Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Students are expected to be able to participate in regular activities. It is up to the parent to let the director know if there are any medical issues or allergies that the program needs to be made aware of. Allergies must be documented with the school nurse along with Forcey 360 being made aware. If a student needs medication during the hours that Forcey 360 is in session it is up to the parent to bring in the medication to the school nurse along with giving the director a copy of the medical form from the doctor.

Students are not allowed to use the elevator unless they have a dated and signed note from the doctor, stating the specific reason for the use of the elevator along with a date when the student will be able to use the stairs. This note needs to be sent to the school nurse along with Forcey 360. If the note is not sent to Forcey 360, the student must take the stairs until such a time that the note is provided. Forcey 360 follows basic first aid procedure for all injuries. Most of the staff are CPR/First Aid certified, with over 90% having up to date training. If a student has a minor injury it will be documented in the medical log. Parents will be alerted to injuries that have the potential to bruise or are larger. Occasionally band aids are handed out in order to take care of imaginary cuts on arms/legs/fingers. These will not be documented. Any instance of head injury, no matter how it occurred, will be documented, treated with ice, and a phone call will be made to parents. If parents cannot be reached an email will be sent.

The students’ safety is our number one concern, and as such, students who exhibit communicable illnesses during Forcey 360 hours must adhere to the Health Information section found in the school’s “Parent/Student Handbook”. If a student throws up during Forcey 360 hours, they must go 24 hours without vomiting again before returning to school. Students who exhibit fevers during Forcey 360 hours must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever reduction medicine. Further ailments are listed within the school’s “Parent/Student Handbook”. For the safety of all involved, students must remain with the group always, unless given permission by a staff member to use the bathroom, go check in the office, etc. Also, for the safety of the students, parents may only pick up students in the lobby of the school rather than going to where the students are. If we are unsure of the person picking up the student, we may ask for identification or give a phone call to a parent to ensure that the person can pick up the student. Should you have anyone who is not allowed to pick up your child, you must email the director with the name of the person as well as if you want to be notified should that person attempt to pick up your child(ren).